Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Powerful Online Marketing System

Things are not as they appear!

Being a home business entrepreneur for some time now and never making a dime I was finally disgusted. Trying every home business out there is an understatement when it came to me working a business. One day I finally came across a good business model by accident and gave it a shot. It is usually the ones you are not looking for that work out.

A Brick Wall

Month after month went by and my bank account was only getting smaller. I knew there had to be a better way to make money online. I had a friend who taught marketing at the local college tell me that the more marketing you do the more you will get. I was beating my head against the wall talking to people every day.

This is a good idea but how was I going to talk to thousands of people about my business. I have done some prospecting around town and did sell a few products but there was no way I could reach thousands of people in the shortest amount of time. I know building a business takes time but I don't want to spend 20 years talking to thousands. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks after seeing an ad on the internet.

I needed a system

In order to get leads for my business I needed a system. I have a free autoresponder and put up some ads on the internet but never got a lot of response. What I needed was a marketing system that automated most of the work and taught me how to effectively get targeted leads for my business. So I went on a mission to get a marketing system for my business.

The first place I looked was Bing for an internet marketing system. I checked the first page and found a couple that looked like good picks so I tried them. They appeared good on the surface but once I got into the heart of them they did not have that wow factor.

I then check the first page of Google with the same results. The systems were good on the surface but not to my liking. I wanted a system that could promote my product and also give me other streams of income to build my fortune. It had to be affordable and at the same time powerful to get my message out and make me a good living on the internet.

I needed a Powerful Marketing System

The right fit

Finally on the third page of Google I clicked into an ad about a system to build your business. All the other system wanted you to pay for a trial period or pay up front for their service. This system gave me entrance for the low price of Free for 30 days. I thought once I got inside they would hit me with some big marketing pitch.

I always keep my guard up for sneaky systems that doupe you into buying their junk. They do have an upgrade option but did not push the issue. They have a great system that promotes my business while making me money in the process. This is an incredible system with everything a marketer need to really kick butt on the internet. I can market my business to the leads I get through the lead capture pages they provide. I also have software to make my own lead capture pages.

Their idea is to get you making money before you spend money on a marketing system. I could not believe some of the great things they have for you inside this website. There are many good systems on the market but none that will teach you for free.

Multiple streams of income.

This system is by far the most awesome one I have seen since I have been online. Now is your chance to build an online business with experts guiding you along the way. Don't miss out on the Free and Powerful Marketing System

Lesson learned is that you don't have to shop on the first page of the search engines to find quality websites. The best ones are hidden deeper in the search results.

Your Friend

Mark Whitney
Powerful Marketing System

PS. I still promote my primary business at the flea market on the weekends. I created a new website and had some new business cards made with my new website and promoted my primary business and a link to my free and powerful website.

Create a website to market your primary business and add a link to your autoresponder website.Get some business cards or flyers and go to the local flea market on the weekend and talk to people. Promote your business and tell people you use traffic wave autoresponders to market your primary business and create multiple streams of income. Watch your income increase dramatically.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Pain Relief Its Your Business

The economic outlook in the USA is improving according to reports we are reading. The big problem with the job growth here in the states is most of the jobs are low quality dead end jobs. Sure you can find a job if you want to flip burgers or be a sales associate. Your chances of ever getting ahead in any of these fields are slim to none.

You could get a 4 year degree and fight for a decent paying job but unless you are prepared to go in debt for student loans you may want to rethink that option. There is one option that you can take that will not only let you control your own destiny but help the economy at the same time.

Do some research around your area and see if there is a need for say pain relief. Did you know there are currently over 120 Million people in America that have chronic pain. Most would like to find a way to relieve it without side effects. Your chances are really good for helping people to relieve their pain and earn a good living. Most people will support you but there are a few who will have a negative reaction. Those are the people who have never taken a chance in life and will never go places.

You may have to work a job you may not like to achieve your goals but don't give up. Start your business part time and build it over time. Your business will not only help you but will also help your local economy. This is the only way we Americans are going to build up our economy. No Government official will ever look out for our interests so it is up to us.

We can compete in this Global economy that the powers that be created to benefit us. Why not use it to our advantage and beat them at their own game. You do not have to be a slave to a company your whole life.
Get busy America and grow our economy.

The Best Pain Reliever Business

PS. Why not give us a donation.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


I learned a long time ago to never judge a book by its cover. Not all Jewish people are cheap because I worked for many generous Jewish families. Not all Blacks are lazy because I have seen many Black people who could work circle around me. I need not go any further because you get the idea of what I'm talking about.

Years ago when I was young and good looking sorta a valuable lesson was learned. I was a new salesman at a Chevrolet car dealer in my home town in upstate NY. One day an Asian man came in and was looking at cars. All the other salesmen had seen him in here many times and thinking they were wasting their time they laughed and said this one is all yours Mark.

Being a new salesman they thought I could use the practice with a customer. I walked up to the man and introduced myself with a smile and eager to help asked if there was any vehicle I could show him. Without missing a beat he said I will take that car right there. Just so happens we had just got that vehicle in earlier and it was just what he was looking for.

I grabbed a dealer plate and took him for a ride around the block as he had done before with so many other salesmen. When we returned he went right in the office and pulled out a wad of cash that would choke a horse. The paper work was signed and he walked away with a new car and I had a nice commission. You could of heard a pin drop when I walked back out on the sales floor ready for another sale.

The other salesmen were kicking themselves for not taking the customer in the first place. That is just one of the many lessons I learned in the car business. Years later when I started a home business it helped me earn more money.

I started a home business promoting a pain relief rub. We sat up at events and handed out samples of the product. Some of the other vendors at this one event was trying to stereotype people by the way they looked. They tried to give me advice about how to sell to people at the event. The problem with most of them was they were not selling much so how could they coach me.

I asked an old woman who came by if she was in pain. She said yes but I don't have any money and I replied it is free. She was dressed in ragged clothes and walked with a cane. If you were to stereo type her she would be the perfect fit for being poor. I asked her where her pain was and she replied her feet.

She was Diabetic and had problems with her feet. I had her sit down and take her shoes off. I put some pain rub in my hand and rubbed it on her feet. Within minutes she got excited and said that is starting to feel better. She sat there for a few more minutes and I applied it again. I thanked her for letting me serve her and she walked away with a smile.

The next day at the event she came by with her sons and said that stuff was wonderful. I asked if she needed more and she replied give me 2 large bottles and handed me a $100 bill. If I would of stereotyped her she would of never got any lotion and I would of lost a sale.

I go to that event every week and people she knows come by to purchase our pain relief product. Being kind to someone has the potential for a snowball effect bigger than anything you have ever seen. Never judge a book by it's cover any more and reap the rewards.

The Best Pain Reliever


Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Best Way To Relieve Chronic Pain

One day while at the local flea market I ran into a woman giving away a pain reliever product. The product smelled good and claimed to relieve pain. I took a sample and put it on my knee and walked around the flea market. A few minutes later I came back to get a second application as I was instructed to do.

After just a few minutes the pain in my knee was subsiding and I was able to walk longer on my knee than I have in a long time. I purchased the product and got more information about the company and the product. I spent most of the day at the flea market walking around and observing her.

I watched her give out samples of the product and later people came back and purchased the product. This woman was great with people and I thought if I could talk with people like that my future would be prosperous. So being the bold person I am I struck up a conversation with her.

She had been working for the company for 6 months and was doing well. I asked her if she could teach me to do the same and without skipping a beat said that is why God put me on earth to help others. There was something special about her and I wanted to learn more.

After the flea market closed my wife and I sat with her and talked for a while. She has a Christian belief and you could tell that just by her actions.The way she handled people at that flea market made us want to learn more about the company she worked for.

She gave us her number and said she would be setting up at the flea market next week and would be more than happy to train us to help people with chronic pain.

It did not take a rocket scientist to see the potential in this. Could this be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or just another fly by night company. I went home and did some research on the company and found out they have been in business for 15 years. All the information I found pointed to the company being very highly respected in their field. This truly seems to be a quality topical pain reliever made with natural ingredients and no side effects.

Find out more: Best Chronic Pain Reliever Link

If you are tired of wasting your money on bad smelling pain relievers and want to help people check this out. Thanks for reading.

Best Pain Relief Video

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

People with pain wanted to try the best pain relief rub

If you are suffering with chronic pain and tried everything look no further. Taking prescription drugs for pain only masks the pain and does not help promote healing. Drugs not only mask pain but have long term side effects. Why not try a the best pain relief rub made from natural ingredients and is pleasant smelling.

People in pain should not smell like people in pain. Many products on the market burn when applied and do nothing to get to the root of the problem. Real Time Pain Relief goes to work in minutes and helps your body heal the natural way. Try a sample of it today and we bet you will be a customer for life.

Best Pain Relief Sample